Pre-Mine Coal Bed Drainage as a Factor to Improve Safety in Kuzbass Mines

Stanislav S. Zolotykh
Kemerovo, The Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №5 / 2019 pp.18-22

Читать на русскоя языкеAbstract: The paper studies prevention of gas explosions in Kuzbass mines in conditions of intensive coal bed development and potential rise in gas abundance with increasing mining depths. The author provided information on methane content in coal beds and rising costs of degassing measures as a function of coal seam occurrence depth. Statistical data is presented on historical changes in coal production, accidents and distribution of averaged damage caused by methane explosions in Kuzbass mines in the 21st Century. The paper describes experience gained in foreign countries in improving safety in development of gas-bearing formations. The necessity has been pointed out to introduce pre-mine drainage of mining allotments using the CBM technology. A process design of pre-mine coal bed drainage (prior to mining operations in the methane-bearing zone) is presented. In compliance with this process design, construction and operation of the mine is done in the shallow zone characterized with admissible gas content in the coal formations. Five years prior to mine construction, horizontal boreholes are to be drilled from the day surface down to the coal bed (surface-to-inseam drilling technology - SIS). Degassing is performed for 5 to 7 years before the mining operations start. During this time, the gas content of the coal seam is decreased by 70-80% of the initial volume. A conclusion is made on the necessity to coordinate activities of gas producing and coal mining organizations in the Russian Federation as well as to introduce best practices gained by coal and gas producers in order to enhance coal mining safety.

Keywords: gas, methane, coal, degassing, deposit, mine, prevention of gas explosions, Kuzbass

For citation: Zolotykh S.S. Pre-Mine Coal Bed Drainage as a Factor to Improve Safety in Kuzbass Mines. Russian Mining Industry. 2019;(5):1 –2 . (In Russ.) DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2019-5-18-22.

Article info

Received: 27.05.2019
Reviewed: 19.06.2019, 12.07.2019
Accepted: 21.07.2019

Information about the author

Stanislav S. Zolotykh – Doctor of Engineering, Kemerovo, The Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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