Author guide
Our Authors should be mindful of great slow-down caused to work of the Editorial Office by manuscripts prepared without compliance with the Authors’ Guidelines. For this reason, the Authors are strongly recommended to submit finalized, corrected and checked manuscripts to avoid continuous follow-up and rewriting later on.
Together with the manuscript, the Author(s) should submit an application for publication and a recommendation for the publication from an institution where the study has been accomplished. Students and ports-graduates may submit a recommendation for the publication from their research manager.
- The full text of the paper is submitted in Word.doc format and in PDF format.
- Before submitting a manuscript, the Author(s) is recommended to make sure that no inappropriate textual borrowing from other publications is present in the text using AntiPlagiarism. NET service used by the Editorial Office, or any other dedicated program (e.g., or
- The length of the text should be not more than 19 000 characters.
- Please specify a research area where the topic of the manuscript belongs. Manuscripts beyond the scope of the research areas listed above will be rejected.
Manuscript Structure
• Title — no abbreviations or formulas are allowed; maximum length is 10 to 12 words as longer titles are ill-perceptible. Title should be informative, neat and consistent with the text of the article. It is good when the title includes some keywords characterizing the topic (subject) and contents of the research;
• Author(s) — not more than 5 co-authors are allowed for an article. If there are more participants in preparation of the manuscripts, please, acknowledge them in the Acknowledgments section. Articles of one and the same author can be published not more than 4 times per legal year;
• Information about each author — academic degree and rank, position, principal affiliation, contact details, city, country. It is sufficient to specify e-mail address/phone of the first co-author or the author for correspondence;
• Affiliation(s) — full name(s) of organization(s) with departmental identity (no abbreviations please), address with post code;
• Abstract — in accordance with standards of international scientific database, Abstract should disclose sufficiently the article’s subject, including the major topic, problem and objective of the research, basic methods and results, as well as conclusions. Abstract should highlight the scientific novelty of the study as compared with articles of allied topics and designated purposes. The size of Abstract should be 1500–2000 characters (or 150–200 words).
• Keywords — 8–10 collocations meant to facilitate the article search later on (no abbreviations allowed), reflective of the topic, objective and results of research.
• Title –no abbreviation or transliteration is allowed, except when proper names are untranslatable, for instance, names of equipment; the same holds true for Abstracts and Keywords;
• Byline—initials and last names of the author(s) are given according to BSI transliteration system The author order in the article mostly depends on the contribution a certain author made. For the metadata in English, it is important that each Author is listed in the by-line beginning with the full first name followed by the initial letter of the middle name with a period included and ended with the last name (e.g., Natalia R. Panova);
• Author(s) Information, without abbreviations;
• full name of the organization (no abbreviation is allowed; please provide the full name of organization and its departmental identity in the form they are indexed in the database SCOPUS), address (city, postal index, country);
• Abstract . The Abstract should be free from citations and abbreviations. The Abstract should be:
- informative (please avoid verbalism);
- original;
- sapid (reflective of the main contents of the text and research findings);
- well-structured (following the logic of the main text, briefing the central ideas, starting from the problem, goals and methods of research and finishing with research outcomes and major conclusions);
- written in reasonably good English;
- short (from 200 to 260 works)
• Keywords – no abbreviation or quotation marks are allowed here.
Main Text (in Russian with only captions of figures and tables translated into English, or both in Russian and in English languages as Author(s) wills)
• The text should be concise and scientific-style, data presented in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. The text should contain references to tables, figures and cited literature source. Citations are given by numbers in square brackets in the order they are numbered in the List of References.
• Structure of the Main Text:
- Introduction – justifies relevance of the research topic, reviews literature on the topic, as well all presents the problem formulation, goals and objectives of the research;
- Materials and Methods – describes the methods and flow charts of tests/observations so that other scientists could reproduce the results only based on the text of the article;
- describes materials, instrumentation, equipment, sampling and experimental/observation conditions;
- Results – demonstration of actual research findings (text, tables, plots, diagrams, equations, photos, figures).
- Discussion – interpretation of the obtained results, including their conformity with the research hypothesis;
- constraints of the research and generalization of the results; proposals on application;
- proposed trends of future research;
- Conclusion – brief outcomes without repeating expressions and wording of the main text.
- Acknowledgments – vote of thanks to persons for for the help and to organizations for the financial suppоrt.
- References
• Standard size of the manuscript is 6–12 pages, including text, figures and tables with captions.
• UDC index should be provided on the first page of the manuscript.
• Text, figures, flowcharts, diagrams and tables should be in Microsoft Word.docx. Figures should be clear and high-resolution for machine perception. Please avoid minor data unrelated directly with the text. Photos and figures should have captions with explanation of all digital symbols and legend if present.
• Presentation of physical units and notations should follow the International System of Units (SI).
• Please avoid auto-numbering when preparing List of References
• No period is needed after any headings, names of author(s) and captions. Please avoid commas between the names and initials of author(s) to eliminate difficulties in identification of the author(s) in database.
• The preferred editor for mathematical equations is MathType or MicrosoftEquationEditor.
• The list of references includes only scientific sources cited in the text (all sources cited in the text should be listed in the list of references);
• Style of citation: [1] –for whole paper; [1, p. 15] — citation of specific data on specific page;
• All sources are listed after the main text in the order they appear in the text;
• A space should be inserted between initials and between the last initial and last name of author.
• The list of references should contain not less than 12 sources, including not less than 3 self-references and not less than 3 references of articles published in GIAB, not less than 5 references to the articles published in Russian periodicals within the last 10 years, and not less than 4 references to foreign articles (far abroad, beyond the borders the former USSR) published within the last 5 years;
• For electronic sources (internet), please provide name(s) of author(s), title, URL, and date of the latest access;
• No references to electronic sources with advertising are allowed;
• the share of the so-called inauthoritative sources (web sources of general nature, anonymous documents, abstracts of theses, head-notes of conference papers) should be not more than 10% of the list of references;
• Numerous references to web resources may make readers (reviewers, experts) think that the manuscript is a copy/paste of open-access materials. For this reason, it is better to avoid bulk citation of Internet sources and address printed academic publications.
Correctness and accuracy of data in the list of references is subject to responsibility of author(s). References non-compliant with the Journal’s style will be withdrawn.
For sources in Russian, transliterate names of author(s). For titles of sources in Russian, use transliteration and/or translation into English. Sources in English should be cited as in original.
The sequence for sources in Russian:
• transliterate name(s) of author(s), give English translation of title, transliterate name of a journal in case it is only in Russian, or give the English name of the journal (if it exists in English), give data-out (year, volume, issue, pages from–to), specify the language of the paper if it is in Russian as (in Russ.); provide DOI of the paper (if any) or URL in case DOI is absent and the paper is accessible online;
• Journal’s style for data-out of journals: vol., no., pp. Books — city, pages: Moscow, 2015, 230 p. Names of Russian publishing houses are transliterated as, e.g. Nauka Publ.;
• transliteration should obligatory be accompanied by English translation so that the meaning is clear for an English-speaking reader. For title of books, conference papers ,anonymous and other sources in Russian known to be never included in the international scientific databases, it is recommended to use English translation without transliteration and with specified language of the original afterwards: (in Russ.);
• titles of books may be presented in two ways: (1) transliteration followed by English translation in square brackets; (2) English translation only with specified language of the original at the end (in Russ.)