Implementation monitoring of safety at the construction area of a steep-inclined conveyer complex at the south open pit of Mikhailovsky GOK

R.I. Ismagilov1 , A.V. Kozub2, B.P. Badtiev1, A.A. Pavlovich3
1 Management Company Metalloinvest, LLC, Moscow, The Russian Federation
2 Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant JSC, Zheleznogorsk, The Russian Federation
3 Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St Petersburg, The Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №1 / 2020 pp. 120-126

Читать на русскоя языкеAbstract: Currently, the requirements for the organization of monitoring of the safety of the rock mass at the sites of critical construction are regulated by documents that do not allow to fully take into account the current state of the instrument base and the needs of mining. That’s why the organization of monitoring can be carried out only with the involvement of scientific and specialized organizations. Each deposit has its own distinctive features, and therefore, for the timely interpretation of observations, it is necessary to control the parameters that most fully characterize the state of slope stability. The use of only one observation method may be insufficient. In this connection, there is a need to create an integrated monitoring system. To clarify the types of monitoring and features of observation stations at the construction site of the conveyor complex at the Mikhailovsky GOK South open pit, as well as to identify the most dangerous sections in the section, an analysis of engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions was carried out and the slope stability analysis was provided by the methods of limit equilibrium and numerical simulation finite element method, taking into account the variability of the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. After preliminary research on the eastern side of the South open pit, where steep inclined conveyer and lifting-storage compound were supposed to be placed, the monitoring systems, which include visual and instrumental observations, were injected. Instrumental observers include surveying, hydrogeological and magnetometric measurements. Also safety criteria for each type of observer were developed. The article also describes the results of testing the radar and shows the difficulties of its use in the presence of the conveyor and railway tracks. Further ways to develop an integrated monitoring system are proposed.

Keywords: steep inclined conveyer, lifting-storage compound, limit equilibrium method, computational simulation, magnetic measurement, safety criteria, georadar Acknowledgements: The work was attended by A.M. Shepel, A.S. Sidorenko.

For citation: Ismagilov R.I., Kozub A.V., Badtiev B.P., Pavlovich A.A. Implementation monitoring of safety at the construction area of a steep-inclined conveyer complex at the south open pit of Mikhailovsky GOK. Gornaya promyshlennost = Russian Mining Industry. 2020;(1):120-126. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2020-1-120-126.

Article info

Received: 19.12.2019

Revised: 16.01.2020

Accepted: 21.01.2020

Information about the author

Rinat I. Ismagilov – Director of the Department of Mining, Management Company Metalloinvest, LLC, Moscow, The Russian Federation; e-mail:

Alexandr V. Kozub – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Engineer, Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant JSC, Zheleznogorsk, The Russian Federation; e-mail:

Batradz P. Badtiev – Doctor of Technical Science, Head of the Department for Monitoring and Prospective Development of Mining, Management Company Metalloinvest, LLC, Moscow, The Russian Federation; e-mail:

Anton A. Pavlovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory of Open Pit Wall Stability, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St Petersburg, The Russian Federation; e-mail:


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