Geodynamic zoning of the southwestern part of the Talnakh Orogenic System
Miroshnikova L.K.1, Mezentsev A.Yu.1, Kadyralieva G.A.2, Perepelkin M.A.3
1 Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russian Federation
2 Institute of Geomechanics and Subsoil Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan
3 North-East State University, Magadan, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №6 / 2021 р. 103-109
Abstract: This study focuses on the markers of tectonically stressed zones inside the rock mass, that were identified during the regional geodynamic zoning of the mine fields of the Talnakh orogenic system. Identification features for tracing geodynamically active structures within the western flank of the Talnakh orogenic system have been identified based on morphometric analysis of the Tunguska series sediments, which are the upper layer of the ore-bearing intrusions and associated ore deposits. In the larger morphostructural groups, the boundaries of contrastingly alternating zones of elevated and depressed absolute depths at the base and the roof of the Tunguska series sediments represent the boundaries of tectonic blocks of different elevation levels with sharply contrasting indices of terrain stress. The circular-shaped structures highlighted in the morphostructural schemes spatially coincide with the tectonic forms were formed as the result of strike-slip and torsional processes. A heterogeneity, which is reflected in the allocation of blocks with different values of the stress distribution coefficient (K) is identified in the initial stress field of the Tunguska series sediments. The boundaries of the geodynamic blocks that were identified using to different methods are identical. It is established that the assumed faults correspond to the faults identified based on the detailed exploration data.
Keywords: Talnakh orogenic system, geodynamic zoning, morphotectonic block, geodynamically active zones
For citation: Miroshnikova L.K., Mezentsev A.Yu., Kadyralieva G.A., Perepelkin M.A. Geodynamic zoning of the southwestern part of the Talnakh Orogenic System. Gornaya promyshlennost = Russian Mining Industry. 2021;(6):103–109. DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2021-6-103-109.
Article info
Received: 04.11.2021
Revised: 23.11.2021
Accepted: 24.11.2021
Information about the authors
Lyudmila K. Miroshnikova – Dr. Sci. (Geolog. & Mineral.), Professor, Department of Mineral Deposit Development, Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russian Federation; e-mail:
Aleksandr Yu. Mezentsev – Assistant Lecturer, Post-Graduate Student, Department of Mineral Deposit Development, Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russian Federation; e-mail:
Gulzat A. Kadyralieva – Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Associate, Institute of Geomechanics and Subsoil Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan: e-mail:
Mikhail A. Perepelkin – Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Department of Road Transport, Associate Professor of the Department of Mining, North-East State University, Magadan, Russian Federation; e-mail:
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