Recovery of diamonds with anomalous luminescence kinetics: results of experimental studies
I.V. Zyrianov1,2 , A.V. Ivanov1, V.N. Yakovlev1
1 Yakutniproalmaz Institute, AK “ALROSA”, Mirny, Russian Federation
2 Mirny Polytechnic Institute, Branch of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Mirny, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №4 / 2022 р. 88-92
Abstract: The paper presents the results of experimental studies to recover diamonds with anomalous luminescence kinetics from deposits in Western Yakutia. The characteristics of diamond luminescence are analyzed and a new algorithm for detecting Type IIa diamonds is implemented. Calculations were carried out to select the optimum X-ray tube settings for fluorescence excitation. The results of upgrading the existing equipment and introducing newly manufactured X-ray luminescence separators by equipping them with an optional upgrade kit at ALROSA's concentration facilities are presented. Upgrading with minimal capital investment, i.e. software modification, made it possible to promptly implement recovery of the high-value anomalous diamonds. Pilot technological workflows for extraction of Type IIa diamonds showed presence of these diamonds in the deposits developed by the Aikhal, Nyurba, Udachny and Lomonosov mining and processing plants. The Udachny site was found to have particularly valuable diamond specimens. Monitoring of recovery of Type IIa diamonds greater than 5 mm in size has shown that the increase in marketable products is estimated at about USD 5 million annually.
Keywords: anomalous diamond, luminescence kinetics, selectivity, X-ray luminescence separator, X-ray absorption, experiment, ore, processing plant, concentrate
For citation: Zyrianov I.V., Ivanov A.V., Yakovlev V.N. Recovery of diamonds with anomalous luminescence kinetics: results of experimental studies. Russian Mining Industry. 2022;(4):88–92.
Article info
Received: 01.07.2022
Revised: 21.07.2022
Accepted: 23.07.2022
Information about the authors
Igor V. Zyrianov – Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Director for Research, Yakutniproalmaz Institute, AK “ALROSA”, Mirny, Russian Federation; Head of the Department Mining, Mirny Polytechnic Institute, Branch of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Mirny, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Andrey V. Ivanov – Chief Specialist of the Radiometric Separation Laboratory, Yakutniproalmaz Institute, AK “ALROSA”, Mirny, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Viktor N. Yakovlev – Head of the Radiometric Separation Laboratory, Yakutniproalmaz Institute, AK “ALROSA”, Mirny, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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