Rockburst hazard assessment of hard rocks in the Zhdanovskoe deposit (Kola Peninsula)
A.A. Kozyrev1, N.N. Kuznetcov1, A.N. Shokov2
1 Mining Institute Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russian Federation
2 Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №6 / 2022 р. 75-82
Abstract: The paper presents the results of uniaxial and triaxial compression tests of hard rock samples from the Zhdanovskoe deposit. Two criteria were used to assess the tendency of rocks to fail in dynamic mode (rockburst hazard). In the first case, the A.N. Stavrogin's criterion was used, which requires testing of specimens using “rigid” presses. In the second case, the criterion developed at the Mining Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences was applied to estimate the rockburst hazard of rocks based on the test results of samples using the standard presses. It is shown that the studied rocks of the Zhdanovskoe deposit are prone to failure in dynamic mode according to the two criteria considered. It was found that with the transition from uniaxial to triaxial compression conditions at the lateral pressures up to 40 MPa, the tendency of rocks to dynamic failure is maintained.
Keywords: rockburst hazard, hard rocks, uniaxial compression, triaxial compression, modulus of elasticity, post-peak modulus, specific strain energy, brittle failure
For citation: Kozyrev A.A., Kuznetcov N.N., Shokov A.N. Rockburst hazard assessment of hard rocks in the Zhdanovskoe deposit (Kola Peninsula). Russian Mining Industry. 2022;(6):75–82.
Article info
Received: 17.10.2022
Revised: 09.11.2022
Accepted: 14.11.2022
Information about the authors
Anatoly A. Kozyrev – Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Chief of Rock Mechanics Department, Mining Institute Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russian Federation;
Nikolai N. Kuznetcov – Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory of Instrumental Study of Rock's State of the Russian Arctic Region, Mining Institute Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russian Federation;; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anatoly N. Shokov – Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical-Mechanical Properties and Rock Destruction, Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
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