Regularities in geodynamic phenomena in mining deep-lying potassium-magnesium salt deposits with complex structure
M.V. Rylnikova1, E.N. Esina1, E.M. Sakharov2, R.V. Berger2
1 Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 EuroChem VolgaKaliy LLC, Kotelnikovo, Volgograd Region, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №1 / 2023 р. 89-94
Abstract: The geomechanical situation during mining of a deep-lying potassium-magnesium salt deposits with a complex structure requires development of a comprehensive research program that would combine instrumental methods of in situ measurements in the mine conditions, geophysics, and systematic visual observations with assessment of the rock mass structural features and water seepages. The authors studied the mechanism of gasdynamic phenomena that occur when developing deep-lying salt deposits characterized with a complex structure. It is demonstrated that a variety of conditions for occurrence of gasdynamic phenomena is caused by difficult-to-determine processes which take place in the rock mass, as well as by a complex structure of the rock mass where rocks with different properties are present and the gas distribution in the marginal part of the mined space is non-uniform. Recommendations are provided on geomonitoring of geodynamic phenomena development during mining of the deep-lying Gremyachinskoe salt deposits with complex structure. Recommendations on prevention of dangerous gas and geodynamic processes in mining of the Gremyachinskoe deposit are developed and conditions for stabilization of rock pressure manifestations are justified.
Keywords: deep-lying deposit, potassium-magnesium salts, underground mining methods, complex geological structure, geodynamic phenomena, regularities, forecast, monitoring
For citation: Rylnikova M.V., Esina E.N., Sakharov E.M., Berger R.V. Regularities in geodynamic phenomena in mining deep-lying potassium-magnesium salt deposits with complex structure. Russian Mining Industry. 2023;(1):89–94.
Article info
Received: 19.01.2023
Revised: 14.02.2023
Accepted: 15.02.2023
Information about the authors
Marina V. Rylnikova – Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: rylnikova@
Ekaterina N. Esina – Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Evgeny M. Sakharov – Executive Director, EuroChem VolgaKaliy LLC, Kotelnikovo, Volgograd Region, Russian Federation Roman V. Berger – Cand. Sci. (Eng.) Director of Production, EuroChem VolgaKaliy LLC, Kotelnikovo, Volgograd Region, Russian Federation
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