Geodynamic effects of the critically stressed state of the earth’s crust
Batugin A.S.
National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №S1 / 2023 р. 14-21
Abstract: Such geodynamic phenomena as rock bursts and strong man-made earthquakes with a hypocenter depth much greater than the depth of mining operations; the occurrence of seismic activations at large distances from the influence area to the Earth interior; localization of epicenters of strong seismic events at the periphery of the foreshock and aftershock zone, the existence and functioning of the block structure of the earth's crust and its degassing along reactivated faults; “slow slip” earthquake; the existence of a power frame in the earth's crust and its response to geodynamic processes in the depths require further research. The main purpose of the publication is to summarize the factual data on the manifestation of the listed geodynamic phenomena in industrial areas from the viewpoint of the hypothesis that within the earth crust there exists a layer of the critical stress state with the thickness from the earth's surface to a certain depth in order to further reveal the nature of the interaction of global geodynamic and local geomechanical processes in the mining areas. Geodynamic effects associated with the critical stress state of the earth's interior are considered using the examples of strong earthquakes in industrial areas (Bachat (2013, M = 6.1), Neftegorsk (1995, M = 7–7.2), Wenchuan (2008, M = 7,8)) the man-made nature of which is assumed and discussed. Also seismic activations in the areas of mining operations and the area of geothermal projects, block structures of the earth's crust of the Kemerovo and Moscow regions are considered.
Keywords: geodynamic phenomenon, rock burst, technogenic earthquake, seismicity, magnitude, hypocenter depth, critical stress state, crustal blocks, degassing of the Earth interior, slow slip earthquake
Acknowledgments: This work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 22-27-00728).
For citation: Batugin A.S. Geodynamic effects of the critically stressed state of the earth’s crust. Russian Mining Industry. 2023; (1 Suppl.):14–21.
Article info
Received: 10.02.2023
Revised: 01.03.2023
Accepted: 04.03.2023
Information about the author
Andrian S. Batugin – Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of the Department Mining Safety and Ecology of National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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