Expert assessment of opportunities for innovative transformation in a region where mining is the predominant industry
Kh.B. Badarchi , G.F. Balakina
Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of Siberian Branch of RAS, Kyzyl, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №4 / 2023 р. 124-129
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to identify the main characteristics of innovation processes in a region where products of the mining sector prevail in the gross product structure, as well as to identify the factors contributing to implementation of innovations and the relationship between the innovation processes and the social and cultural context of the regional development. With the aim of assessing the opportunities for introducing technical innovations in the working practice, the authors conducted an expert survey in June–July 2023 in which top managers and specialists of the leading mining enterprises, business associations and authorities of the region acted as experts. Recommendations for improving innovation practices have been developed based on generalization of the survey data as part of the statistical analysis of general regularities in dynamics of the innovation processes in economies of the developed countries and the Russian Federation. A conclusion is made about the need to develop a state policy to support innovation by strengthening co-operation between mining companies and mediumsized businesses in the region.
Keywords: innovation processes, region, Tyva Republic, mining enterprises, diffusion of innovations, sociocultural realities
Acknowledgments: The article was carried as part of research work under Project No.23-28-10009 “Socially successful and unsuccessful adaptation practices of ethno-regional communities in the context of large-scale innovative changes (using the example of the Republic of Tuva)” of the Russian Science Foundation.
For citation: Badarchi Kh.B., Balakina G.F. Expert assessment of opportunities for innovative transformation in a region where mining is the predominant industry. Russian Mining Industry. 2023;(4):124–129.
Article info
Received: 25.06.2023
Revised: 19.07.2023
Accepted: 19.07.2023
Information about the authors
Kherel B. Badarchi – Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Ass. Prof., Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of Siberian Branch of RAS, Kyzyl, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Galina F. Balakina – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of Siberian Branch of RAS, Kyzyl, Russian Federation
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