Classification of georesources in the paradigm of their integrated development


Читать на русскоя языкеY.S. Tyulyaeva1, A.M. Khayrutdinov2, E.I. Gorelkina3, 4
1 Florida International University (FIU), Miami, Florida 33199, United States of America
2 National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation
4 Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russian Federation

Russian Mining Industry №6 / 2024 p. 140-143

Abstract: Identification of a unified classification feature and systematization of available knowledge about georesources in the framework of the designed mining system help to resolve a number of sequentially related problems of rational man-made transformation of subsoil resources with account of the complexity of their development. This research approach is the foundation to create conditions for sustainable development of georesources. The classification feature, i.e. the formation conditions, is defined and three main categories of georesources (natural, artificial and combined) are identified, and their classification in the paradigm of the integrated subsoil development is given. It is established that the technological scheme for the development of all categories of georesources is provided at the initial design stage of a mining operation. The priority tasks to be solved at the design stage have been defined, which make it possible to implement the principle of integrated development of georesources. The conclusions are made that effective development of georesources is possible only with simultaneous or sequential-simultaneous mining of all the georesource categories. The authors see the development of technologies for the integrated development of all categories of georesources using man-made and landscape space in a single mining system as the next stage of their research.

Keywords: mineral resources, georesources, integrated development of georesources, sustainability of georesources, mining company

For citation: Tyulyaeva Y.S., Khayrutdinov A.M., Gorelkina E.I. Increasing Classification of georesources in the paradigm of their integrated development. Russian Mining Industry. 2024;(6):140–143. (In Russ.)

Article info

Received: 13.10.2024

Revised: 21.11.2024

Accepted: 28.11.2024

Information about the authors

Yulia S. Tyulyaeva – Postgraduate Student, Florida International University (FIU), Miami, Florida 33199, United States of America, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Albert M. Khayrutdinov – Postgraduate Student, College of Mining, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow, Russian Federation;; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Evgeniya I. Gorelkina – Senior Lecturer, RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation; Department of the Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russian Federation


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