The XIII International Conference «Mining Industry: Barents Arctic Economic Partnership – View to the Future»
Russia, Kirovsk, Murmansk Region
Теl.: +7 (815-2) 55-47-20; 55-47-22
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The XIII International Conference «Mining Industry: Barents Arctic Economic Partnership – View to the Future» - IMIC BAEP-2024
The Conference Topic: «Sustainable Development of the Arctic on a New Technological Platform»
The Mining Conference is held under the auspices of the Supreme Mining Council, Non-profit Partnership “Russian Mining Operators” and support of the Murmansk Region Government
Mining industry is one of the priority areas for the development of the Russian Arctic. The sustainable development of the mining complex of the Russian Federation in modern conditions is based on the systematic interaction between the state, industrial enterprises, non-profit organizations and civil society within public-private partnership mechanisms in the implementation of investment projects, state participation in minimizing sanctions restrictions from unfriendly countries aimed at creating mechanisms to stimulate business activity.
We invite you to participate in the IMIC BAEP’ 2024! Unconventional solutions in the economy, the search for new approaches in management, organization of supplies and logistics allow the city-forming enterprises of the Russian Arctic to effectively increase production volumes and production assets.
The Conference participants will exchange views, ideas and share experience with professionals and specialists of mining industry and fuel and energy sector, meet the government and scientific representatives, mining entrepreneurs, service companies and public organizations.
We are confident that IMIC BAEP’ 2024 will make its significant contribution to the sustainable development of the mining complex of the Russian Arctic. The development of domestic technologies, increasing comprehensive use of mineral resources, and the formation of new cooperative ties are the main vectors of the Forum.
All IMIC BAEP participants’ 2024 will have a unique opportunity to communicate with the CEOs and technical specialists of the five largest mining industrial groups located at the Kola Peninsula such as PhosAgro, EuroChem, Severstal, Norilsk Nickel, Acron. Meetings will be held in a business atmosphere during sections, roundtable discussions, at the exhibition booths and in the informal communications during coffee breaks and in sidelines of the Conference.
IMIC BAEP’ 2024 will be held in Kirovsk for the thirteenth time. Over the 12 fruitful years of the International Conference in Kirovsk, an effective platform has been created here to discuss problems and prospects for the development of the mining industry, exchange experience between Russian and foreign enterprises in the field of the extraction and processing of solid minerals in the Arctic. The Conference has proven its high status and attractiveness to the business community, including at the international level.
Organizers of the Conference:
- Non-profit Partnership “Russian Mining Operators”
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
- Government of the Murmansk Region
- Kola Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Mr. Yurii Shafranik, Chairman of the Supreme Mining Council, Chairman of the Committee for Energy Strategy and Development of Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Russian Federation
Operator of the Conference:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Murmansk Region /Northern CCI/
Main topics of the IMIC BAEP’ 2024:
• Prospects and main trends in the development of the mining complex of the Russian Arctic, the role of state regulation and the practice of improving the efficiency of subsurface management in the Arctic; supply of strategically important raw materials to the Russian manufacturing industry
• International partnership in the mining industry under sanctions: problems and solutions
• Mining and chemical cluster formation as one of the directions for expanding intersectoral cooperation and increasing the production efficiency of mining enterprises
• New cooperative chains. Innovative solutions mostly demanded in the mining industry
• Interaction of scientific and educational institutions with mining enterprises and their effectiveness
• Staffing for mining enterprises
• Environmental safety and industrial processing of solid minerals cyclicity
14 November - the Conference will start with the Plenary session where the Russian and foreign CEOs of mining enterprises, scientific and research organizations, energy companies and governmental officials are welcome to make their reports & presentations
15 November - discussions will be continued at the Trade Show booths; at breakout sections and roundtable discussions
During the Conference the sideline events will be organized, in particular:
B2B meetings (to be requested prior to October 15, 2024, confirmed, prepaid and agreed by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; B2B contact telephone +7 960 020 1605);
Trade Show/Presentations.
Visits to the mining companies industrial facilities (by the separate program)
Registration fee includes: participation in all business and cultural events of the conference, information support, coffee breaks, official reception, transport service at the conference.
Participants have the opportunity to:
- visualize their companies through distributing materials (booklets, magazines, roll-ups, etc.)
- participate in the exhibition. It includes posting information about the company on the Conference website in the "Exposition" section (with contact details and company information).
Correspondence participation includes informational materials about Conference program, participants and other issues.
Besides, information about correspondent participant will be placed at the Conference web site in the section «Participants 2024».
You can register your participation in the International Mining Conference at the Conference website:
October 20, 2024 – deadline to submit applications for participation in the Conference
November 01, 2024 – presentations to be submitted
November 12-13, 2024 – arrival days
November 14-15, 2024 – Conference working days
Additional information and details regarding the Conference program, participants, online registration, deadlines, announcements and other issues see at