On August 25, 2020, the Eurasian Academy of Mining Sciences (EAMS) celebrates 2 years since its state registration as an association of legal entities
We managed to do a lot in this short time. The Academy has shaped its basic structure and is now developing a network of offices in the member countries. It is building up cooperation with mining research centres in the former Soviet Union and abroad.
Dear Colleagues,
On August 25, 2020, the Eurasian Academy of Mining Sciences (EAMS) celebrates 2 years since its state registration as an association of legal entities. I am happy to congratulate you on this event!
We managed to do a lot in this short time. The Academy has shaped its basic structure and is now developing a network of offices in the member countries. It is building up cooperation with mining research centres in the former Soviet Union and abroad. The Academy website has been launched, several important meetings and seminars have been held, and the number of EAMS members is growing. The Academy's world recognition is getting stronger.
I wish to congratulate you, my dear fellow miners, on the Birthday of our Academy and the Miner's Day, which is celebrated in many CIS countries on the last Sunday in August!
I wish good health, further creative success and prosperity to you and your relatives in these difficult times!
Looking forward to seeing you at the joint sessions of Supreme Academic Council and the EAMS Presidium after the Pandemic is over!
With my deep respect,
President of EAMS, Academician N.B. Ryspanov