Development of mobile devices for coalmines computer networks


V.S. Vaganov, T.V. Goffart, I.S. Dubkov

At hazardous production facilities, such as coalmines, there are two groups of tasks: the first - increasing the efficiency of the production process and the implementation of the plan, the second - reducing the rates of industrial injuries, ensuring the safety of work and personnel. The decisive importance for the performance of both of them is the communications. In most cases, communication systems both on the surface and on underground are implemented based on computer networks. This is, first, due to the worldwide trend in the development of the concept of multi-service networks. Research and Production Company GRANCH develops and manufactures data transmission systems and network mobile devices for the development of multiservice networks, which serve as the basis for the multifunctional safety systems of coalmines and a number of production management systems. The product line is expanding; new devices are emerging, which undoubtedly expand the capabilities of networks and operating solutions. The multiservice networks of the GRUNCH Company include both equipment used as the basic network nodes that make up the network infrastructure and portable individual devices that perform the function of the clients in the network. This article provides an overview of the new mobile devices produced by GRUNCH Company, gives recommendations on their use in coalmines.

Keywords: computer networks, underground tunnels, coal mines, multifunctional safety systems, safety of coal mines, mobile devices, communication infrastructure, GRANCH, SBGPS

Mining Industry Journal №1 (137) 2018, p.54–58