Finite-element modeling-based geotechnological grounding of the development of mineral deposits confined to tectonic faults
- DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2018-5-141-107-110

M.A. Sonnov, A.E. Rumyantsev, A.V. Trofimov, V.B. Vilchinskiy
The article describes the solution of the applied research task of finiteelement modeling-based geotechnological grounding of the development of mineral deposits confined to tectonic faults. Based on the modeling with the CAE Fidesys software suite the authors have performed calculations for the identification of safe points of mine take access and development, and direction of the working face front advance, with due account for tectonic faults; as well as estimation of the necessity of the creation of protected zones, and their respective patterns, parameters and methods; elaboration of interim recommendations on the order of development of contiguous ore bodies in vertical and horizontal planes; estimation of the feasibility of slicing and room-and-pillar methods with backfilling for the development of the deposit site under consideration. For the analysis of the rock mass stress-strain behavior (SSB) the authors have used the finite-element method (FEM), because it is widely recognized as a reliable and reasonable tool for modeling of such tasks. Calculations have been performed for elastic-plastic deformation conditions based on the Drucker–Prager (DP) plasticity model with hardening. The finite-element modeling with the CAE Fidesys software suite is actually an efficient tool for the assessment of stresses and strains, which may occur in deep mine workings.