Fundamentals of the quantum theory of coal bed methane formation and gas drainage
- DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2019-2-144-47-50

I.E. Kolesnichenko, V.B. Artemiev, E.I. Kolesnichenko, E.I. Lyubomishchenko
The article addresses the problems of coal-bed methane drainage efficiency and prevention of methane explosions. The authors present the analysis of the current coal bed knowledge and understanding. The existing ideas and methods of research into coal beds are described. The article also contains the analysis of the effect of vibrowaves and electromagnetic methods on coal beds. The fundamentals of the theory of the electron-wave effect with respect to coal beds are described. All physical and chemical processes going in a coal bed are based on the internal energy of coal atoms. The formation and accumulation of methane in a coal bed results from the growing rock pressure and increasing electron-wave thermal energy. Electromagnetic emission from an external source into a coal bed would enhance the efficiency of gas drainage and prevent sudden outbursts of methane.