Concept for Disposal of Class 2 and Class 3 Radioactive Waste in Underground Workings with Isolating Backfilling using Paste made with Processed Uranium Ore Materials
E.V. Kuzmin, A.V. Kalakutskiy, M.A. Tarasov, A.A. Morozov
The paper presents a concept for disposal of Class 2 and Class 3 radioactive waste in existing workings and chambers in the underground uranium mines of the Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union PJSC with isolation of radioactive waste storage chambers using paste backfilling made with processed uranium ore materials and sealing of cracks in host rock by injection consolidation. The need is shown to enhance the strength of radioactive waste containers to increase the number of tiers in the storage blocks to make better use of the available chamber space. Data is provided on the forecast hydrogeological conditions in deep levels (up to 1000 m) of Mine No.6.