Case Study: Advanced Solutions Applied by JSC Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK to Improve Ferruginous Quartzite Concentration Performance
- Ismagilov R.I.1, Kozub A.V.2, Gridasov I.N.2, Shelepov E.V.2
1 MC Metalloinvest LLC, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK, Zheleznogosk, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №4 / 2020 стр. 98-103
Abstract: Steelmaking performance and competitive ability in the market is greatly determined by quality of magnetite concentrate used as a burden material. This case study explores outcomes of comprehensive process research both lab scale and pilot scale aimed at elaborating of effective process flowchart to enable production of high-grade concentrate from low-grade 38,8% Fetotal and 20,1% Femagn. ferruginous quartzite carried out in Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK. Existing process enables Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK to produce 65,1% Fetotal 8,6% SiO2 concentrate at 98% recovery with 17 mtpa output capacity. Use of the concentrate as pelletizing feed enables production of 63,1% Fetotal pellets. Application of Derrick sizers for concentrate fine screening has proven efficiency in upgrading raw magnetite concentrate. Comprehensive study included complete pre-engineering mineral and process research, analysis of global and domestic experience in Derrick fine wet screening solutions application, testing of four different concentrating flowcharts and over 100 sample tests. Ferruginous quartzite concentration and magnetite concentrate upgrade flowsheet has been designed for implementation in Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK’s Concentrator plant as a result. The proposed solution enables significant improvement in concentrate grade, i.e. to 69,3–70% Fetotal uplift and to 2,6–3,6% SiO2 reduction while maintaining magnetite concentrate output performance. Improvement in pellet quality, competitive capacity gain and access to new market outlets will be enabled by launch of such higher-grade concentrate production.
Keywords: Ferruginous quartzites, concentration flowcharts, fine wet screening, Derrick Stack Sizer 5STK, high-grade magnetite concentrate Acknowledgements: D.N. Golenkov took an active part in the work.
For citation: Ismagilov R.I., Kozub A.V., Gridasov I.N., Shelepov E.V. Case Study: Advanced Solutions Applied by JSC Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK to Improve Ferruginous Quartzite Concentration Performance. Gornaya promyshlennost = Russian Mining Industry. 2020;(4):98–103. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2020-4-98-103.
Article info
Received: 15.06.2020
Revised: 29.06.2020
Accepted: 21.07.2020
Information about the author
Rinat I. Ismagilov – Chief Mining Department Officer, MC Metalloinvest LLC, Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail:
Aleksander V. Kozub – Chief Engineer, Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK, Zheleznogosk, Russian Federation.
Igor N. Gridasov – Chief Quality Assurance Department Officer, Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK, Zheleznogosk, Russian Federation.
Eduard V. Shelepov – Chief Methodological Research Centre Officer, Andrei Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK, Zheleznogosk, Russian Federation.
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