Health risks for mining machine operators caused by exposure to noise and vibration
- N.N. Courierov, A.G. Chebotarev
Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №1 / 2022 р. 138-143
Abstract: Application of heavy-duty mining equipment can change the labor conditions for the employees, the intensity of the existing factors of the working environment and the labor process. Hygienic studies to assess the impact of vibration and acoustic factors on the modified EKG-8 and EKG-10 mechanical shovels and the BELAZ dump trucks showed that the actual noise and vibration levels in the operator cabins are significantly lower than those of the previously produced same types of machines. The probability of workers' complaints of the lower back pain, the risk of developing initial and moderate manifestations of the vibration disease, as well as the early signs of hearing loss and risks of its deterioration among the workers who service upgraded mining machines were calculated using the existing methods based on the obtained spectral characteristics of noise and vibration of the investigated mechanical shovels, dozers, dump trucks. The calculations show that the probability of developing the vibration disease of the 1st degree for operators of mechanical shovels within 10 years of employment decreased from 5.04% to 1.82% at vibration acceleration of 0.19 ms-2, and from 8.68% to 4.41% within 25 years of service. The risk of hearing loss among the personnel operating the upgraded machines is significantly lower and the early signs are observed after 25 or more years of work experience.
Keywords: working conditions, industrial factor, noise, vibration, occupational risk, vibration disease, occupational deafness
For citation: Courierov N.N., Chebotarev A.G. Health risks for mining machine operators caused by exposure to noise and vibration. Russian Mining Industry. 2022;(1):138–143.
Article info
Received: 10.01.2022
Revised: 27.01.2022
Accepted: 28.01.2022
Information about the authors
Nikolay N. Courierov – Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health, Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aleksandr G. Chebotarev – Dr. Sci. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health, Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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