The history of the organization of the institute of mining in the urals and the stages of development of research in the field of mining
V.L. Yakovlev
Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Mining Industry №1S / 2022 р. 7-15
Abstract: The article describes the history of the organization in 1962 as part of the Ural branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR of the Institute of Mining, celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2022. The history of the organization of the Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences began with the research on mining at the Mining and Geological Institute of the Ural branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the organizer and first director of which was approved by Academician L.D. Shevyakov (1939). The article describes the structure of the institute in different years of its existence. In the Institute have been established Scientific schools of career transport (M.V. Vasiliev, V.L. Yakovlev), quality management (P.P. Bastan) and geomechanics (N.P. Vloch, A.D. Sashurin). The personnel and scientific potential of the Institute throughout its existence allows solving a wide range of tasks covering a wide range of problems in the mining field. The article outlines the research directions of the Institute's divisions in various years of its existence. The Institute has a Dissertation Council for the defense of candidate's and doctor's theses. The leading employees of the Institute conduct scientific and educational activities for the training of engineering and scientific personnel.
Keywords: Institute of Mining, mining, mining sector, history, mining, Academy of Sciences, integrated development of mineral resources, personnel, scientific schools, Ministry, metallurgy