Modern iron ore processing: challenges and solutions from ALLMINERAL
A.V. Lebedok1, L. Markworth2
1 Hazemag Allmineral LLC, Shchelkovo, Russian Federation
2 Allmineral Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Dusseldorf, Germany
Russian Mining Industry №3 / 2022 р. 84-88
Abstract: This article describes current technologies and their application to various types of iron ores characterized with different material composition. The data presented demonstrate specific advantages of the Alljig jigging machine used in iron ore processing due to the precise separation with high density as well as the ease and low cost of operation. The Allflux hydroclassification technology ensures high output and yields three products. The Allgauss high intensity magnetic separators for slightly magnetic particles offer high throughput rates combined with unparalleled process flexibility and two-stage processing in a single plant. The Allflot pneumatic ejector flotation chambers can half the equipment footprint of the processing plant, while increasing the recovery of fine particles by reverse flotation. Technological performance indicators of the ArcelorMittal jigging machines are provided (CIS).
Keywords: iron ore processing, hematite, magnetite, jigging, hydroclassification of slurry, Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation (WHIMS), reverse flotation, smart X-ray grading
For citation: Lebedok A.V., Markworth L. Contemporary iron ore processing: challenges and solutions from ALLMINERAL. Russian Mining Industry. 2022;(3):84–88.
Article info
Received: 14.05.2022
Revised: 07.06.2022
Accepted: 08.06.2022
Information about the authors
Artem V. Lebedok – Director General, Hazemag Allmineral LLC, Shchelkovo, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lutz Markworth – Director of Technology Sales in Russia and CIS, Allmineral Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Dusseldorf, Germany
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