Chemical energy sources to ensure safety in the coal industry: the energy mechanism of direct electric current formation in a rechargeable battery
I.E. Kolesnichenko, E.A. Kolesnichenko, E.I. Lyubomishchenko, E.I. Kolesnichenko
Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Shakhty, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №1 / 2023 р. 80-88
Abstract: The article addresses the issues of fire and explosion safety in the coal industry. Electric energy accumulators are used in underground mines in workings that are most hazardous in terms of methane and explosive coal dust. The main challenge is the unsafe design features of these rechargeable batteries and the chemical processes involved in storing the electric power. It is shown that this issue still remains critical. The idea is that the paradigm of physical representations in the energy field should be supplemented with current knowledge in the quantum theory. The purpose of the research is to establish the cause and effect phenomena, the force interaction of the component atoms and to find the rationale for the energy mechanism of direct current formation in chemical cells. The authors examined the chemical processes in a lead battery in order to justify the idea. The physical regularity of short-range bonding of atoms was analytically grounded. It was shown that this bonding is ensured by the forces of attraction and repulsion. The widespread opinion in chemistry that covalent energy bonding is provided by the electrons in the joint bonding orbital is erroneous, since these electrons emit energy when the atoms combine and move to the main orbital. The concept of electron spin is no longer necessary. The scientific novelty is the rationale behind the concept of direct current, the mechanisms of its storage in a chemical cell and its parameters. For the first time ever the following results have been experimentally confirmed: a) conductors in the electric circuit of a DC chemical cell produce electromagnetic emissions, both in closed and open circuit in the absence of current; b) an electric spark formed in the gap between energized open conductors radiates electromagnetic waves in the visible frequency range, which proves the existence of current outside the conductor and the physical idea of electric current as a flow of electromagnetic emissions possessing electric and magnetic fields; c) when the energized conductors are short circuited, only one branch of the conductor from the positively-charged cathode to the short circuit location is intensely heated, which proves that the direct current in the external circuit flows in one direction only, i.e. from the cathode.
Keywords: explosion safety, coal industry, chemical cells, direct current, electromagnetic emissions, electric spark, quantum theory, atomic bonding energy, atomic attraction and repulsion forces, electrical energy storage
For citation: Kolesnichenko I.E., Kolesnichenko E.A., Lyubomishchenko E.I., Kolesnichenko E.I. Chemical energy sources to ensure safety in the coal industry: the energy mechanism of direct electric current formation in a rechargeable battery. Russian Mining Industry. 2023;(1):80–88.
Article info
Received: 10.12.2022
Revised: 16.01.2023
Accepted: 19.01.2023
Information about the authors
Igor E. Kolesnichenko – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Construction and Technogenic Safety Department, Deputy Director – Academic Advisor at the Shakhty Road Institute (branch), Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Shakhty, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evgeny A. Kolesnichenko – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Construction and Technogenic Safety Department of the Shakhty Road Institute (branch), Platov SouthRussian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Shakhty, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ekaterina I. Lyubomishchenko – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at the Motor Road Design and Construction Department of the Shakhty Road Institute (branch), Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Shakhty, Russian Federation; ORCID:; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evgeny I. Kolesnichenko – Student at the Motor Road Design and Construction Department of the Shakhty Road Institute (branch), Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Shakhty, Russian Federation; e-mail: z_kolesnichenko@
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