Calculation of the stress state of a rock massif by the dimensions of the zones of destruction from the explosion of charges of explosives
V.N. Tyupin1, K.B. Ponomarenko1,2
1 Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russian Federation
2 VIOGEM, Belgorod, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №1 / 2023 р. 120-125
Abstract: The article presents a formula and calculates the stress state of the rock mass after the explosion of boreholes according to the geometric parameters of the explosion zones, the physical and mechanical properties of the rocks and the size of the individual parts in the massif. The pressure from the explosion of explosives in the hole, the value of which is mainly set by the detonation velocity and loading density, forms crushing zones (“glass”) and radial cracks near the charge. At the mine. Gubkin “KMAruda” in tunneling faces, the geometric dimensions of the explosion zones were determined. In total, 74 zones were studied in 7 different faces within the horizon -250m, depth 445 m. Based on the laboratory tests of rocks, the geometric parameters of the zones of destruction of the massif by the explosion the stress state of the massif was calculated. On average, in the studied areas, the stress state of the massif is 17.3 MPa. Experimental dependences of the radius of the zone of crack formation and the diameter of the zone of crushing of the “glass” on the stress state during the explosion of an explosive charge in an array of quartzites are obtained. Their analysis indicates that with an increase in the stress state, the crack formation zone decreases, and the “glass” crushing zone increases. The study can be used to develop a passport for fastening and roof management, and is aimed at improving the level of safety in underground mining. The advantage of the explosive method for determining rock pressure lies in the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and the possibility of using technological explosions of boreholes when driving workings.
Keywords: rock mass, stress state, blasting of boreholes, sinking of workings, crushing zones and radial cracks, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, fracturing
Acknowledgments: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of State Assignment No. FZWG-2023-0011. The authors are grateful to Malyukin Yu.V. and the team of the geology service of the mine. Gubkin of the KMAruda plant for their help in carrying out the experimental work.
For citation: Tyupin V.N., Ponomarenko K.B. Calculation of the stress state of a rock massif by the dimensions of the zones of destruction from the explosion of charges of explosives. Russian Mining Industry. 2023;(2):120–125.
Article info
Received: 26.03.2023
Revised: 10.04.2023
Accepted: 13.04.2023
Information about the authors
Vladimir N. Tyupin – Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Konstantin B. Ponomarenko – Postgraduate Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russian Federation; VIOGEM, Laboratory of Rock Pressure and Rock Displacement, Belgorod, Russian Federation; e-mail: ponomarenkokb@;
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