Filtering of man-induced interference during acoustic emission monitoring
K.F. Makhmudov1 , P.I. Afanasev2
1 Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
2 St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №1S / 2023 р. 142-149
Abstract: During the work execution it was found that the majority of the recorded signals were the result of man-induced noise, thus the filtering criteria common to the entire acoustic emission monitoring system were proposed. The amplitude and duration of the acoustic emission signal were chosen as the filtering parameters, while their correspondence to physically valid distributions was selected as the criteria. In the current phase of the work, this turned out to be insufficient, and an assessment of the performance and noise level of individual channels was required. The results of such an assessment, carried out for different daily recording cycles, are demonstrated using the example of a daily file containing more than 3 million recordings. Selection of the frequency filter was shown to be one of the most important decisions in tuning the acoustic emission system. It is noted that when using the acoustic emission method it should be remembered that each control object has its own unique properties.
Keywords: acoustic emission, acoustic emission monitoring, rock mass, rock failure, relationship plot, man-induced noise, filtering of man-induced noise
Acknowledgements: aThe authors are grateful to V.N. Savelyev, N.G. Tomilin for fruitful discussion of the results, as well as to V.N. Medvedev, S. Yu. Kruglov, employees of GHK Rosatom Federal State Unitary Enterprise, for their assistance in field studies and preparation of the primary data for analysis.
For citation: Makhmudov K.F., Afanasev P.I. Filtering of man-induced interference during acoustic emission monitoring. Russian Mining Industry. 2023;(1 Suppl.):142–149.
Article info
Received: 22.02.2023
Revised: 13.03.2023
Accepted: 13.03.2023
Information about the authors
Khairullo F. Makhmudov – Cand. Sci. (Phys. and Math.), Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Strength Physics, Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pavel I. Afanasev – Cand. Sci. (Eng.) , Associate Professor, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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