Modeling of apatite-nepheline ore drawing in sublevel caving


Читать на русскоя языкеV.V. Laptev, O.V. Belogorodtsev
Mining Institute Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №5S / 2023 р. 125-129

Abstract: The process of modeling ore drawing was implemented in a discrete environment. Values have been determined for the lateral losses in the ridges between the drill haulage workings and the frontal losses in the ridges on the floor of the drill haulage workings, as well as in the mined-out space due to mixing with diluting rocks to substandard ore grades when ore is drawn from the blocks. The amount of additional recovery of losses was determined when drawing ore from the underlying and adjacent panels of the block. The resulting planograms of ore drawing from the panels and sections of the block were formed as part of the research, which reflect the weight of the drawn ore mass, its grade, and the weight of diluting rocks in the doses of drawing. All of this makes it possible to establish the ore loss and dilution rates for each mining unit of an underground mine, i.e. a panel, a section, a block or a level with due account of the main design parameters of the mining system, as well as the mining, geological, engineering and economic conditions of underground mining.

Keywords: apatite-nepheline ore, underground mining, sublevel caving, losses and dilution, numerical modeling, draw shape

For citation: Laptev V.V., Belogorodtsev O.V. Modeling of apatite-nepheline ore drawing in sublevel caving. Russian Mining Industry. 2023;(5S):125–129.

Article info

Received: 29.10.2023

Revised: 09.11.2023

Accepted: 24.11.2023

Information about the authors

Vladimir V. Laptev – Researcher, Mining Institute Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Oleg V. Belogorodtsev – Researcher, Mining Institute Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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