Analysis of accident and injury rates at coal industry operations in 2014-2023
D.V. Gavrilov1, E.A. Lezhnev2, V.V. Sobolev3
1 Russian Energy Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Russian Independent Coal Employees’ Union (Rosugleprof), Moscow, Russian Federation
3 Research Centre for Industrial and Environmental Safety in the Mining Sector, Vostochniy Research Institute, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №1 / 2025 p. 41-48
Abstract: The paper provides a summary of the key performance indicators of the coal industry, the results of analyzing the current state of occupational health and safety, the dynamics of accident and fatal injury rates, as well as the most significant factors that determine the occupational hazards. Information is provided on guarantees and compensations for harmful working conditions, provision of personal protective equipment and training in occupational health and safety, as well as the dynamics of expenditures on occupational health and safety measures. The article summarizes the main trends in the accident rate, fatal occupational injuries and occupational morbidity at the enterprises of the coal industry identified based on the analysis performed. The research helped to reveal the causes characteristic of the industry that cause accidents and injuries, as well as the trends in the number of workplaces with harmful working conditions and the existing main harmful and hazardous production factors in the workplace environment. Directions to reduce the injury rate and improve the safety of working conditions in the companies and to further develop the coal industry of the Russian Federation have been proposed based on this analysis.
Keywords: coal industry, labour protection, industrial safety, accident rate, injury rate
For citation: Gavrilov D.V., Lezhnev E.A., Sobolev V.V. Analysis of accident and injury rates at coal industry operations in 20142023. Russian Mining Industry. 2025;(1):41–48. (In Russ.)
Article info
Received: 26.12.2024
Revised: 16.01.2025
Accepted: 16.01.2025
Information about the authors
Dmitry V. Gavrilov – Principal Expert, Russian Energy Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evgeny A. Lezhnev – Head of Labour and Ecology Department, Russian Independent Coal Employees’ Union (Rosugleprof), Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Viktor V. Sobolev – Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate, Research Centre for Industrial and Environmental Safety in the Mining Sector, Vostochniy Research Institute, Kemerovo, Russian Federation; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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