Numerical Modelling of Stress-and-Strain Behaviour of Deposit Deformed by Mining Operations Using Step-By-Step Calculation Function in the CAE Fidesys Software System
- M.A. Sonnov1, A.E. Rumyantsev2, A.V. Trofimov2, V.B. Vilchinsky2
1 LLC “Fidesys”, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 LLC “Institute Gipronikel”, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Mining Industry №2 / 2020 pp. 110-114
Abstract: Mining of minerals at great depths requires accounting for physical and mechanical properties of the rocks composing the massif. The research employs a complex approach to computer modelling, which takes into account these properties and identifies domains based on the rating characteristics of the rock mass, which are taken for modelling in the finite element model formulation. The CAE Fidesys software package was used for this purpose. Mining of the ore body was discovered to generate zones of plastic deformations. Furthermore, when the excavation front moves in the south-western direction, deformations in the ore body occur more frequently and in greater quantities during the following year. Presence of the plastic deformation zones indicates a possibility of complications in development of the ore bodies, which may be manifested through partial failure of the drift walls, changes in the excavation geometry, bursting and scaling of the rock mass. It is recommended to perform mining with pre-unloading of the rock mass by drilling a string of relief boreholes or by other effective methods to take the support pressure deeper into the rock mass in order to exclude the possibility of brittle fracture of the ores during the actual mining operations. The application of numerical modelling together with the results of geotechnical studies of the rock mass provide very good possibilities to assess the stability of the rock mass and to predict the complications in underground mining.
Keywords: eomechanics, geotechnics, ore mass, body, stress-strain state, rock mass, finite element modelling, CAE Fidesys, AutoCAD, deposit, physical and mechanical properties, boundary conditions, plastic deformations, caving
For citation: Sonnov M.A., A Rumyantsev.E., Trofimov A.V., Vilchinsky V.B. Numerical Modeling of Stress-and-Strain Behaviour of Deposit Deformed by Mining Operations Using Step-By-Step Calculation Function in the CAE Fidesys Software System. Gornaya promyshlennost = Russian Mining Industry. 2020;(2):110-114. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2020-2-110-114.
Article info:
Received: 07.04.2020
Revised: 14.04.2020
Accepted: 21.04.2020
Information about the author
Maxim A. Sonnov – Deputy General Director, LLC “Fidesys”, Moscow, Russian Federation; e-mail: Alexandr E. Rumyantsev – Candidate of Science (Engineering), Leading Researcher, LLC “Institute Gipronikel”, St Petersburg, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0002-2204-961X; e-mail:
Andrey V. Trofimov – Candidate of Science (Engineering), Head of the Center of Physico-Mechanical Studies, LLC “Institute Gipronikel”, St Petersburg, Russian Federation; ORCID: 0000-0001-7557-9801 e-mail:
Vladislav B. Vilchinsky – Candidate of Science (Engineering), Head of Mining Laboratory, LLC “Institute Gipronikel”, St Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail:
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